“I invented a little scenario: John’s gone away on holiday, and he’s just rung us up and says, ‘Just finish the track for us, will you? I’m sending the cassette, I trust you.’
“That was the key thing — ‘I trust you, just do your stuff on it.’
“I told this to the other guys, and Ringo was particularly pleased and said, ‘Ah, that’s great.’
“It was very nice, and it was very reverent toward John.
“There were a lot of strange goings-on in the studio — noises that shouldn’t have been there and equipment doing all manner of weird things — there was just an overall feeling that John was around.
“We put one of those spoof backwards recordings on the end of the single for a laugh; to give all those Beatles nuts something to do. I think it was the line of a George Formby song. Then we were listening to the finished single in the studio one night, and it gets to the end, and it goes, ‘zzzwrk nggggwaaahhh jooohn lennnnnon qwwwrk.’ I swear to God. We were like, ‘It’s John. He likes it!'”
—- Paul McCartney

Paul and Linda McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr all felt that the white peacock which mysteriously appeared during the photo shoot was the sprit of John Lennon.